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About Cast of Bronze

Cast of Bronze was formed in January 2002, as an auditioned community handbell ensemble from Dallas, Texas. Our members are experienced handbell ringers from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. 





Chris Nabors is the founder and director of Cast of Bronze. He studied music education at the University of North Texas, holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Texas at Dallas and a Masters of Business Administration from Baylor University.


Mr. Nabors was introduced to handbells by his father, Dr. Oran R. Nabors, who was one of the pioneers of handbell ringing in the Dallas area in the early 1960's and former editor of Overtones.


Mr. Nabors has been directing handbell ensembles since 1981 and served as the Director of Handbells at Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas since 2003. He previously served on the staff of three Dallas-area Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) churches. This service included a position as the Director of Handbells at Northway Christian Church, Dallas, Texas, where he directed three adult handbell ensembles and one youth choir.  He is the founding director of Cast of Bronze, a nationally recognized community handbell ensemble from Dallas, Texas. He has frequently served as a clinician or festival director in the region. He is a former president of the Greater Dallas Handbell Association, member of the Handbell Musicians of America, has composed and arranged music for handbells and was a member of the Dallas Handbell Ensemble (David R. Davidson, Director).


Cast of Bronze has been featured as guest artists for numerous organizations including the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, the Women's Chorus of Dallas, the American Guild of Organists,  and the Plano Civic Chorus.

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